Four daily activities causing your back pain.


Sitting in Your Car 

As Americans, we tend to spend a great chunk of time driving or riding in a vehicle. This can cause severe back pain. It’s essential to stay conscious of how you’re sitting while on long drives and making sure you’re not impacting the pressure on your spine. One preventative measure you can take is trying a lumbar support. Adjusting the steering wheel, seat placement and mirrors are also extremely beneficial to do every time you drive so you’re not overexerting yourself while you drive. Make sure you don’t have your wallet nor phone in your back pocket and that you take regular breaks to stretch your back.

Pro Tip: When arriving to your chiropractor, reverse your car in to a parking space so that you do not need to look behind you when leaving the chiropractor. Since your body has just been adjusted, be careful of quick movement involving the spine to not jump it out of alignment.

Working at your Desk

For 8 hours a day, many of us devote our bodies to sitting at a desk while we work away. There are many factors that can be causing your back pain while you work. Be sure your screen is eye-level so your neck is aligned properly and not straining up or down, out shifting the weight of your head. Your mouse must be in balance with your shoulders, as reaching or extending for the mouse can wear on your shoulders and neck.

What You’re Sleeping On

The best investment you can make for yourself is having a comfortable and spine supportive mattress and pillow. Every body is different which makes choosing the right mattress especially difficult. Decide which mattress is right for you by physically testing them out and checking it’s firmness is comfortable on your back. As for pillows, Dr. Brian Copple swears by the Makura pillow as the best pillow he’s used. Find the Makura pillow here.

How you’re sleeping also greatly impacts the stress on your back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach, as that rotation of your neck is the worst of any sleeping position. While sleeping on your back has long been rumored to be the best sleeping position, sleeping on your side turns out to be the best for your back. It keeps the spine in a consistent state of support., especially when you wedge a pillow between your knees.

How You’re Lifting

Whether it be in the gym lifting 30-pound weights or for a dime that’s dropped on the floor, it’s crucial to bend your knees and keep your back straight while going to lift. Keep your toes pointed in the same direction your lifting and do not twist at the waist while moving up. While these suggestions may sound minor, they can lead to major benefits to helping your back pain!


There are plenty of reasons you may be experiencing back or neck pain. The best solution is to visit your local chiropractor to see if they may be able to assist in a natural, ancient method. Chiropractic care has been proven to be an effective approach in relieving symptoms like headaches, insomnia, leg pain, and more. Stay mindful of your posture and movement throughout the day to maintain a healthier lifestyle.